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m a r l e n e Wiedenbaum PSA-MP
fine art paintings
a selection of
Plein Air Paintings:
There are few experiences more immediate, challenging & satisfying than capturing light, shapes & the feeling of nature first-hand, & then translating all of that into a work of art.
- Marlene Wiedenbaum, PSA 2016
WALLKILL BRIDGE SPRINGPastel, 8"x10" | High Falls Church SpirePastel, 8"x6" |
DEYO HOUSE 2020Pastel, 6"x8" | Olana's Garden GatePastel, 10"x8" |
Olana Path IIIPastel, 10"x8" | Rail Tracks Ipastel, 11"x14" |
Cannadaigua Lake ViewPastel, 11"x14" | Cannandaigua LakePastel, 8"x10" |
Beach PathPastel, 11"x11" | Hawley's Corners CowsPastel, 8"x13" |
Hawley's Corners LoosestrifePastel, 8"x12" | GatehousePastel, 10"x14" |
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